Ante la clara evolución de la humanidad …
Esto no puede seguir así, y opino que las personas actúan debido a la rutina implantada de sometimiento al que han sido acostumbradas por los facinerosos conquistadores; luego, por algunos que adoptaron el honor recibido para portarse como superiores y dueños.
Con esta premisa me permito presentar al medio ECUAINFORMA con el deseo de Darle Voz al que no la ha tenido; para que deje de permanecer mudo y desvalido.
miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2023
POLITICS “I’m Going to Bed”: Biden’s Mic Cut Off After Several Odd Outbursts
Prensa de Vietnam: El presidente Biden mostró un comportamiento inusual durante una conferencia de prensa en Vietnam, incluso afirmó que se estaba “yendo a la cama” en medio de responder una pregunta y una aparente confusión sobre a qué periodistas dirigirse. Final inesperado: El evento concluyó con el corte de Biden a mitad de la frase, y muchos especularon sobre su bienestar mental, especialmente en el contexto de su candidatura a la reelección de 2024. Supervisión de vacaciones: En un incidente separado, Biden supuestamente llamó a la secretaria de prensa Karine Jean-Pierre durante sus vacaciones, sin saber que estaba fuera, lo que aumentó las preocupaciones sobre su conciencia cognitiva.
Biden gets VERY confused during his "press conference" in Vietnam:
"I'll just follow my orders here. Staff, is there anybody that hasn't spoken yet? I ain't calling on you."
ShareBiden gets VERY confused during his "press conference" in Vietnam:
"I'll just follow my orders here. Staff, is there anybody that hasn't spoken yet? I ain't calling on you."
https://twPublished 1 day ago on September 12, 2023By Christian Ramirez Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz (Flickr) Clear Facts: Vietnam Presser: President Biden displayed unusual behavior during a press conference in Vietnam, including stating he was “going to bed” in the midst of answering a question and seeming confusion over which reporters to address. Unexpected End: The event concluded with Biden being cut off mid-sentence, with many speculating about his mental well-being, especially in the context of his 2024 reelection bid. Vacation Oversight: In a separate incident, Biden reportedly called Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during her vacation, unaware she was off, adding to the concerns about his cognitive awareness. In a recent press conference in Vietnam, President Joe Biden made several unconventional remarks that sent social media platforms, particularly X (formerly known as Twitter), into a frenzy. While attending the G20 summit in India, the President hosted a presser in Hanoi, Vietnam. The event saw Biden call upon a selection of pre-chosen reporters who, intriguingly, seemed to share a common thread. 1 day ago on September 12, 2023By Christian Ramirez Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz (Flickr) Clear Facts: Vietnam Presser: President Biden displayed unusual behavior during a press conference in Vietnam, including stating he was “going to bed” in the midst of answering a question and seeming confusion over which reporters to address. Unexpected End: The event concluded with Biden being cut off mid-sentence, with many speculating about his mental well-being, especially in the context of his 2024 reelection bid. Vacation Oversight: In a separate incident, Biden reportedly called Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during her vacation, unaware she was off, adding to the concerns about his cognitive awareness. In a recent press conference in Vietnam, President Joe Biden made several unconventional remarks that sent social media platforms, particularly X (formerly known as Twitter), into a frenzy. While attending the G20 summit in India, the President hosted a presser in Hanoi, Vietnam. The event saw Biden call upon a selection of pre-chosen reporters who, intriguingly, seemed to share a common thread.
SharehttPublished 1 day ago on September 12, 2023By Christian Ramirez Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz (Flickr) Clear Facts: Vietnam Presser: President Biden displayed unusual behavior during a press conference in Vietnam, including stating he was “going to bed” in the midst of sentence, with many speculating about his mental well-being, especially in the context of his 2024 reelection bid. Vacation Oversight: In a separate incident, Biden reportedly called Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during her vacation, unaware she was off, adding to the concerns about his cognitive awareness. In a recent press conference in Vietnam, President Joe Biden made several unconventional remarks that sent social media platforms, particularly X (formerly known as Twitter), into a frenzy. While attending the G20 summit in India, the President hosted a presser in Hanoi, Vietnam. The event saw Biden call upon a selection of pre-chosen reporters who, intriguingly, seemed to share a common thread. ps:// White House Photo by Adam Schultz (Flickr)